Пагуошское движение ученых
Нобелевская Премия Мира
Российский Пагуошский Комитет
Русский English
Пагуошское движение ученых


Положение и структура Состав История Новости Проекты Календарь мероприятий
Региональное сотрудничество Молодёжное отделение БЛОГ Комитета на сайте РСМД Публикации и мультимедиа Карта сайта Контакты
Публикации, заявления
Архив событий

Российская академия наук

Президиум РАН

63-я Пагуошская конференция учёных

Михаил Дмитриевич
(1913 - 1973), президент
Пагуошского движения ученых, председатель
Советского Пагуошского комитета

2007 International Student/Young Pugwash Annual Conference, Bari, Italy, 20 – 21 October 2007 (1st Information Letter)

2007 ISYP Conference

From International Student/Young Pugwash

2007 International Student/Young Pugwash Annual Conference

Bari, Italy, 20 – 21 October 2007

Dear fellow,

On the occasion of the 57th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs, International Student/Young Pugwash (ISYP) invites students and young scholars from around the world to participate in an international conference that will address, from a critical and interdisciplinary perspective, the different dimensions of conflict and cooperation in the dawn of the twenty-first century.

The 2007 ISYP Conference seeks to provide a space for young scholars to exchange and create ideas concerning different possibilities for the creation of durable and equitable peace in highly conflictive regions. In this sense, the 2007 ISYP Conference seeks to include participants from disciplinary backgrounds who have the expertise necessary to understand and analyze the interfaces between different spheres of social, economic and political life that lead to either stable or conflictive arrangements. Given the complexity of the issues at hand, the organizers of the 2007 ISYP Conference thus welcome applications from students or young professionals who are knowledgeable in any topic that might feed into a debate on the nature of local, regional and international security, both in the strict sense and in the wider interpretation of human security.

The organizers of the 2007 ISYP Conference invite both members and non-members of the International Student/Young Pugwash network to submit their applications to participate in this event. The two broad thematic areas that will guide the discussion during the conference will be:

1. Nuclear and military threats to security

2. Non-military threats to human security

Applicants to the conference are required to submit a paper and give a presentation dealing with a topic that falls into at one of these two categories: 1. Nuclear and military threats to security. This can apply to state security, inter-state security, regional security, or even threats to global security. 2. Non-military threats to human security. This can include threats to food security, health security, environmental security, personal security, community security, and political security.

Both theoretical, discursive and empirical papers are accepted. A 200 word abstract of the paper and a resume must be submitted along with the application form provided below. All applications must be sent to board@isyp.org no later than the 15th of August 2007.

On acceptance, participants are required to complete papers, which must be of a high academic standard, and should be submitted to the organizers before the 1st of October 2007. Papers that are considered of a particularly exceptional quality will be published in the peer-reviewed ISYP Journal of Science and World Affairs (www.scienceandworldaffairs.org). Given the nature of this conference, one of the chief criterions for selecting participants will be their professional and or academic background and qualifications.

The participants of the ISYP conference will also be included as full participants in the 57th Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs Prospects for Disarmament Dialogue and Cooperation in the Mediterranean Region taking place immediately following the ISYP conference. ISYP will cover the local costs of meals and accommodation for the duration of both the Student/Young and the senior Pugwash conference (22 – 26 October 2007). The working language for both conferences will be English.

Participants carry the responsibility to raise their own travel funds. For those candidates who identify potential sources of funding for their travel expenses, ISYP can assist applicants by providing any additional information needed, including contacting funding sources, etc.

Additional information & general inquiries: board@isyp.org


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